Nature &

Nature &


For many years, we have been using integrated agriculture, which we could summarize as follows: the right product, the right dose with the right equipment, at the right time. This method of control obliged us to undertake a precise and permanent observation of the vineyard.

Since 2018, we have naturally changed towards organic farming, an approach that reflects our convictions: respect for nature, for consumers and future generations of winegrowers. It is an unavoidable ecological and moral transition that involves a progressive reorganization of the entire domain, from production to winemaking :

  • Our land are fertilized with natural fertilizers
  • Phytosanitary treatments are limited to a maximum during the time of our conversion and are based on “Bouillie Bordelaise” (copper) and sulfur
  • Mechanical weeding (with a light tractor) or natural weeding (sheep) for preserving the soil structure
  • The maintenance of a vegetal cover between the rows of vines allows an ecosystem
  • The fight against pests, thanks to sexual confusion (pheromones) thus respecting the auxiliary fauna and avoiding the presence of chemical residue on the grapes: the profile of the wines evolves towards more typicity, a good balance and more freshness
  • In the cellar, a strict set of specifications limits to a maximum the inputs in the wine (sulfites) and frames the wine making practices


For many years, we have been using integrated agriculture, which we could summarize as follows: the right product, the right dose with the right equipment, at the right time. This method of control obliged us to undertake a precise and permanent observation of the vineyard.

Since 2018, we have naturally changed towards organic farming, an approach that reflects our convictions: respect for nature, for consumers and future generations of winegrowers. It is an unavoidable ecological and moral transition that involves a progressive reorganization of the entire domain, from production to winemaking :

  • Our land are fertilized with natural fertilizers
  • Phytosanitary treatments are limited to a maximum during the time of our conversion and are based on “Bouillie Bordelaise” (copper) and sulfur
  • Mechanical weeding (with a light tractor) or natural weeding (sheep) for preserving the soil structure
  • The maintenance of a vegetal cover between the rows of vines allows an ecosystem
  • The fight against pests, thanks to sexual confusion (pheromones) thus respecting the auxiliary fauna and avoiding the presence of chemical residue on the grapes: the profile of the wines evolves towards more typicity, a good balance and more freshness
  • In the cellar, a strict set of specifications limits to a maximum the inputs in the wine (sulfites) and frames the wine making practices




In an approach favorable to biodiversity, we planted hedges and trees to invite the local fauna to develop. We have installed nesting boxes for birds of prey and bats. We have an agreement with a beekeeper who has set up beehives in our plots.

We devote all our efforts to defend, conserve and improve our environment, such as:

  • the preservation of biodiversity,
  • the phytosanitary strategy,
  • the management of fertilization/fertilizers,
  • water resource management.

All these elements of biodiversity (hedges, grassy strips, trees, flowers, insects...) are widely present on the farm.
The pressure of agricultural practices on the environment (air, climate, water, soil, biodiversity, landscape) is reduced to a minimum.